  • ISSN Number : 2584-0673

  • Four Issues Per Year

  • No Publication Fee 

  • Free and Open Access Peer Reviewed Journal  

  • Articles Invited in English only 

  • Submission to a Final Decision: 45 Days

  • Acceptance to Publication: 12 Days

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Guideline to Peer Reviewers

Guideline for Reviewer

The review process is very important for any publication hence role of the reviewer is crucial and holds a great responsibility in ensuring the integrity of the publication. Every reviewer is expected to perform manuscript evaluation in a timely, transparent, confidentiality and ethical manner.

  • IJIMSR operates a double-blind peer review system

Before accepting any manuscript for reviewing, the reviewers should ensure that:

  • the manuscript falls within your area of expertise
  • Can dedicate the appropriate time to conduct a critical review of the manuscript

Reviewers should meet the following criteria:

  • Have relevant experience and have a proven publication record in the field of the submitted paper (DOI, ORCID);
  • Are experienced scholars in the field of the submitted paper
  • Hold an official and recognized academic/industry affiliation

Becoming an IJIMSR Reviewer

IJIMSSR invites qualified, capable and enthusiastic people willing to review papers

Reviewer Selection Criteria

  • Qualifications (Masters/PhD – depending on subject area)
  • Whether they have reviewed any manuscript earlier
  • The number of papers they have published in their given area of expertise
  • How well those papers have been cited
  • Recommendations, if any from other researchers/reviewers they know or have worked with

Interested Reviewer can write email to [email protected] .  When the Editorial Board is having a requirement of reviewing a manuscript aligned with your field of interest, you’ll hear from us!


Reviewers should only accept manuscript that they are confident that they can dedicate appropriate time in reviewing. Thus, reviewers should review and return manuscripts within 10 days.


Reviewers’ recommendation should be either:

  • Accept
  • Requires minor corrections
  • Requires moderate revision
  • Requires major revision
  • Not suitable for the journal.

Recommendation should be backed with constructive arguments and facts based on the content of the manuscript.

Please read the COPE guidelines before reviewing any manuscript: Cope Ethical Guidelines for Peer Reviewers


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Last Date : 31st Aug 2024

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